“When you ride in the middle of these mountains, you feel inhospitable tall and immeasurably stretched. The mountains led you to reason. They make tangible the power of nature, the insignificance of man”
“We cross the Natural Park with the majestic mountains from west to east, passing by the Coll de la Bena and descending towards Bagà. I am delighted again. It’s incredibly quiet.”
"Un centro BTT con más de veinte itinerarios, una popular vía verde, un tramo de una ruta cicloturista que rodea Cataluña, varias etapas de la Transpirenaica, el tramo alto de la Ruta del Ter... todo esto se da la mano en el Ripollès, una comarca de los Pirineos de Cataluña que quiere convertirse en el Sancta Sanctorum del turismo de bicicleta".
Bergen Magazine (Peter Strookman, Johan Gerrit Marinnus Uittenbogaard)
"Shortly, before reaching the Restanca Refuge, winter gives way to spring, showing a multitude of colors of flowers and plants in the valley. Red, blue and violet alternate the green landscape. The deep blue sky contrast beautifully with the gray rocks."
"Al camí quedaran experiències inoblidables, moltes nits de refugi, paisatges irrepetibles a valls úniques i situacions imprevistes on posar a proba l’experiència i el control dels recursos muntanyencs que es duguin a la motxilla."
“Romping through powder is the quest for nearly all expert skiers and snowboarders, and in the Catalan Pyrenees, that means heading for Baqueira Beret.”